

Secret Bride Boudoir is a Collection of sensual, black and white images of you in your most beautiful lingerie. It’s about your amazing body and the power of your beautiful femininity.

Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir Photography.

Unfold You Inner Dreams & Powers.

 a communion with the divine within.

Porträttfotograf Västerås Stockholm Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir

S O V R Ê N E Sacred Boudoir

Is a heart.blooming, mind.opening, body.waking dive into your being.

Let’s take boudoir deeper and step into the safe space of the sacred boudoir, where consciousness and dreams dance in the glow of a studio photo session.

Here, shadows reveal the depths of the soul, and the boudoir becomes a foundation for self-discovery in the soft heavenly light.

In this timeless safe space, a dialogue unfolds - a communion with the divine within, where you dare to unfurl the layers of your innermost dreams and reclaim your power.

You will emerge from the experience as an embodiment of your wholeness. Empowered to live your truth more fully than you have ever dared.

Porträttfotograf Västerås Stockholm Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir

Open your mind for you heart to bloom


First Unveiling.

Your Truth.


Your Sovrêne experience begins with a Tarot reading via Zoom with the outstanding artist Lucia Dami to unveil hidden truths that want to emerge. Through the reading, the cards will become your inner mirror. This will be the guide to your transformation as you move through this journey.

Porträttfotograf Västerås Stockholm Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir

Awake your body to ascend it’s power


Second Ascension.

Your sovereign.


Then you meet with me, where you are invited to embody the new shapes of your unveiled sovereign being through a portraiture session. I use a unique photography practice I call “form and flow” to guide you through this Ascension.

Porträttfotograf Västerås Stockholm Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir

Jacqueline ~ from the water she finds trust in universe to receive what she wants


Third Eminence.

Your power.


Finally, we will choose a series of three photos from your Ascension to send to you as FINE ART PRINTS; and one of these will be chosen by Lucia to illustrate the energy circuits that emanate from your inner power with her golden ink. like the image below. We also carefully write a unique quote just for you.

With the beautiful print & quote together on your wall you will forever remind yourself of your greatness and wholeness.

Porträttfotograf Västerås Stockholm Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir

Anna ~ from the earth she draws her powers into a playful fire

Wow, this is all magic. I’ve been so filled with energy and courage ever since my Sovrêne experience.
— Anna

Sovrêne Sacred Boudoir photo sessions will take place in a beautiful studio in Västerås, Sweden, but I often travel to shoot weddings & boudoir, in whole of Sweden, Europe and beyond so it is possible to book your Sovrêne experience in another magical locations. If you have more questions, you can always head over to Questions & Answers first.

To start your adventure to unveil your dreams and power, you simply book a free online consultation! I can’t wait to meet with you!

Boudoir photography starts from 7.800 SEK or €695